Ceramics and ...

What I make I feel comes from me ………
When you look around at everything ………
There is beautiful design everywhere ………
Yet it is made in a factory ,often without thoughts of ………
Nothing left of the human soul ……..
Completely dehumanised soulless beauty……
Like talking to a wall waiting for an answer…..nothing
Yes what I make I feel comes from me …………
Designed yet often not thought out
Fingerprints, imperfect forms, distortion, soul
A human expression ……………













Is a language of images And patterns 

My main influence is from the Momoyama period in Japan 

Yet one must use reflections of this modern world 

And build up-on  the traditions 

Towards something  new .

Wheel work 

Mostly self taught until studying under Koie Ryoji 

I use techniques that  hopefully give life to clay 

Beauty comes from being , being comes from movement 

For this clay that I work 

1971 Born Auckland, New Zealand

1986 Worked as slipcaster, Halls Industries , Auckland

1988 Studied at Carrington Polytechnic, Craft and Design course

1989 Moved to Sydney, studied at East Sydney Tech Ceramic School, discovered Momoyama pots.

1993 Worked at Sturt Craft Centre, Mittagong, N.S.W, Australia. Self-directed study. Built and fired an anagama kiln. Experimented and studied traditional shino glaze.

In that time lived for short periods in Dubbo, NSW, and studied under a Japanese potter. Built and fired a noborigama kiln

1995 First visit to Japan to further my study of shino.

1997 Rented studio in Mashiko Japan. Began working in porcelain, Oribe, Kizeto and Hikidashi techniques. Built second anagama kiln for firing and study of shino glazes.


1996 Studied under professor Koie Ryoiji at his Kamiyahagi studio, working in the Mino style of pots.

1993 Worked at Sturt Craft Centre, Mittagong, N.S.W, Australia. Self-directed study. Built and fired an anagama kiln. Experimented and studied traditional shino glaze.

In that time lived for short periods in Dubbo, NSW, and studied under a Japanese potter. Built and fired a noborigama kiln

1995 First visit to Japan to further my study of shino.

1997 Rented studio in Mashiko Japan. Began working in porcelain, Oribe, Kizeto and Hikidashi techniques. Built second anagama kiln for firing and study of shino glazes.


1996 Studied under professor Koie Ryoiji at his Kamiyahagi studio, working in the Mino style of pottery.

1999 April:solo exhibition, Space Nico Gallery, Kasama City

1999 April:group exhibition Kyouei Gama Gallery, Tokoname City

1999 August:solo exhibition Moegi gallery, Mashiko Town

1999 September solo exhibition Toko gallery, Mashiko town

1999 September art installation Toko art space, Jonaizaka Mashiko Town

1999 October   solo exhibition Shirahagi gallery, Kamakura City

1999 December group exhibition Kyoueigama, Tokoname City

2000 Marchsolo exhibition Kouzuma gallery, Yokohama

2000 April solo exhibition Kofukudo gallery, Shizuoaka city

2000 June solo exhibition Shirahagi gallery, Kamakura City

2000 July solo exhibition Toko gallery, Mashiko Town

2000 July art installation Toko Art Space, Jonaizaka Mashiko town

2001 solo exhibition             Kyouei Gama gallery, Tokoname City

2001 Februarysolo exhibition Shinju gallery Tokyo

2001 August solo exhibition Moegi gallery, Mashiko Town

2001 Septembersolo exhibition Toko gallery, Mashiko Town

2001 September art installation Toko Art Space Jonaizaka Mashiko Town

2002 Septembersolo exhibition Kai gallery, Tokyo

2002 September solo exhibition Shirahagi, Kamakura City

2002 October   solo exhibition  Iwama gallery, Okasaki City

2003 Marchtwo person show Toko gallery, Mashiko Town

2003 April solo exhibition Tas Tas gallery, Kanuma City

2003 June solo exhibition Mukuri Gallery, Tokyo

2003 September solo exhibition Kai gallery, Tokyo

2003 October            solo exhibition Nico gallery, Kasama city

2003 December solo exhibition Shirahagi gallery, Kamakura City

2004 February solo exhibition            Akamama gallery, Gunma

2004 Maysolo exhibition  Kyouei Gama gallery, Tokoname City

2004 June solo exhibition Kai gallery, Tokyo

2004 September solo exhibition Moegi gallery, Mashiko Town

2004 November solo exhibition Shirahagi gallery, Kamakura

2005 February solo exhibition Kai gallery, Tokyo

2005 April solo exhibition Ustuwa So So gallery, Ehime Pref

2005 April group exhibitionMoegi, Mashiko town

2005 May solo exhibition Kusamusubi gallery, Ustunomiya City

2005 June solo exhibition Shirahagi gallery, Kamakura City

2005 July Two person show Takahashi Saitoh gallery, Ibaragi Pref

2005 September solo exhibition            Kyouei Gama gallery, Tokoname

and workshop

2005 October             solo exhibition   Sai gallery, Koriyama City

2005 November solo exhibition Tas Tas gallery, Kanuma City

2006 Established a permanent kiln and studio at Mashiko.

built 3rd wood fired kiln and experimental charcoal and wood raku kiln 

2006 March solo exhibition Shirahagi gallery, Kamakura City

2006 June solo exhibition Kusamusubi gallery, Ustunomiya

2006 September solo exhibition Tougendo gallery, Sendai city

2006 November solo exhibition Tampuso gallery, Utsunomiya city

2007 Established Aaron Scythe Homepage start, supported by Trad meister club,Tokyo

2007 March solo exhibition Tampuso gallery, Utsunomiya

2007 September solo exhibition Kyouei Gama gallery, Tokoname City

2007 November solo exhibition Shu gallery, Hyougo pref

2007 December solo exhibition Tanpuso gallery, Utsunomiya

2008 January            solo exhibition     Tanpuso gallery, Ustnomiya

2008 April solo exhibition Tampuso gallery, Tokyo

2008 August solo exhibition Moegi gallery, Mashiko Town

2008 September solo exhibition Trad Meister, gallery Tokyo

and web exhibition

2009 February solo exhibition Trad Meister, gallery, Tokyo

and web exhibition

2009 March solo exhibition Tas Tas gallery, Kanuma City

2009 March solo exhibition Shu gallery, Hyougo Pref

2009 May solo exhibition Moegi honten gallery, Mashiko Town

and performance art

2009 May solo exhibition Junction city cafe gallery, Tokyo

2009 July solo web exhibition Trad Meister gallery, Tokyo

2009 September solo exhibition Kyouei Gama gallery, Tokoname City

and workshop

2009 November solo exhibition Tanpuso gallery, Utsunomiya

2010 January            solo exhibition     Tas Tas gallery, Kanuma City

2010 March two person showIchinokura Sakazuki Museum, Tajimi City

2010 May web exhibition Trade meister gallery, Tokyo

2010 August solo exhibition Moegi gallery, Mashiko Town

2010 October  solo exhibition Tougendo gallery, Sendai City

2010 October   web exhibitionsTrad Meister gallery, Tokyo

2010 November solo exhibition Trad Meister gallery, Tokyo 

2011 Due to earthquake and meltdown, workshop and 4 shows cancelled 

2011 Returned to New Zealand following the Fukushima meltdown

2011 March solo exhibition Trad Meister gallery, Tokyo

2011 June workshop Auckland Studio Potters Association

2011 September web exhibition Trad Meister gallery

2011 September group exhibitionWaikato society of potters

2012 Established studio workshop Te Aroha, began working in terracotta and san cai glazes

2012 February Guest exhibitor Arts Post gallery, Hamilton, WPA

2012 April web exhibition Trad meister gallery, Tokyo

2012 June 2 person show Trad Meister gallery,Tokyo

2012 November solo exhibition Ichinokura Sakazuki Museum, Tajimi City

2011 November 2 person show Inspirit gallery, Hamilton

2012 solo exhibition    Arts Post Gallery, Hamilton

2013 February 2 person show Form gallery, Christchurch

2013 web exhibition Trad Meister gallery, Tokyo

2013 August group exhibition Masterworks Gallery, Auckland

2013 November group exhibition Inspirit gallery, Hamilton

2013 November group exhibition Waikato Museum, Hamilton Waiclay

2014 studio workshop Whanganui

2014 February web exhibition   Trad Meister gallery Tokyo

2014 solo exhibition Bread and Butter gallery, Whitianga

2015 February solo exhibition Masterworks gallery, Auckland

2015 February group exhibition Avid gallery, Wellington

2015 March solo exhibition    Ichinokura Sakasuki Museum, Tajimi City

2015 March solo exhibition Tree object space desire gallery, Whanganui

2015 April workshop Auckland Studio Potters Association

2015 June solo exhibition    Form Gallery, Christchurch

2015 Nov                    workshop   Wellington potters 

2016 February  solo exhibition  Avid gallery, Wellington

2016 July                     workshop Hands on Hawks Bay Conference 

2016 July                     group exhibition Kina Gallery , New Plymouth 

2016 Oct                      web exhibition Trad Meister Gallery ,Tokyo 

2017 June                    Group show Corvi-Mora Gallery , London 

2017 July                     Group show Masterworks , Auckland 

2017 Sept                    Group show Ichinokura  Sakazuki Museum ,Tajimi City 

2017 Oct                      Workshop Auckland studio potters 

2017 Oct                      Group show Schaller Gallery , America 

2017 Oct                      Solo show Moegi gallery ,Mashiko 

2017 Nov                     Guest exhibitor Fire and Clay , Pah Homestead , Auckland 

2017 Nov                     Solo show Avid Gallery ,Wellington 

2018 March                 Solo show The Vivian Gallery ,Matakana 

2018 May                    Group show masterworks gallery ( auckland art fair )

2018 June.                  Group show. masterworks gallery , Auckland 

2018 July.                    Group show Kura , Auckland 

2018 Oct.                     Solo show Masterworks gallery , Auckland 

2018 Nov                     Solo show Ichinokura sakasuki  museum , Tajimi Japan 

2018 Dec.                    Solo show The Vivian gallery , Matakana 

2019 feb                      Solo show Form Gallery , Christchurch 

2019 April                    print Solo Show. Weasel gallery , Hamilton 

2019 may                    Auckland art fair Masterworks Gallery , Auckland

2019 nov                     Solo Show Avid Gallery ,Auckland 

2019 nov                     Group show. Masterworks Gallery ,Auckland 

2019 nov                     Group show. The Stratford Gallery , UK

2019 dec                     Solo Show The Vivian Gallery , Matakana 

2020 Jan                    Group show Milford Galleries ,Dunedin

2020 Feb                    Solo Show. The Poi Room , Auckland 

2020 July                   Group Show Milford galleries ,Queenstown

2020 Oct.                   Group Show. Milford Galleries,Queenstown

2020 Nov                   Group show Milford Galleries,Queenstown 

2021 Jan.                   Solo Show A Gallery , Whanganui

2021 Feb.                  Group Show Te Tuhi Art Gallery ,Auckland 

2021 April                  Solo Show The Stratford Gallery , UK

2021 Sept                  Solo Show Avid Gallery , Wellington 

2021 Nov                   Group Show Quiet Dog Gallery , Nelson 

2021 Dec                   Accepted as new member in AIC-ICA 

2022 Feb                  Solo Show   Masterworks Gallery, Auckland 

2022 Feb                  Group Show Milford Galleries , Queenstown

2022 Mar                  Solo Show   A Gallery, Whanganui

2022 Nov                  Solo Show.   The Stratford Gallery , UK

2023 Mar                  Group Show Form Gallery , Christchurch

2023 Mar                  Solo Show   A Galley, Whanganui

2023 Mar                  Workshop   Nelson, NZ

2023 May                 Workshop   Timaru, NZ

2023 Sep                 Group Show   The Poi Room , Auckland 

2023 Oct                  Solo Show   Milford Galleries, Queenstown

2023 Nov                 Solo Show     Avid Gallery , Wellington 

In Japan: Over a 16 year period I held over 60 solo shows and participated in many group exhibitions.

I have held workshops and appeared on national television.

I have work in many pottery publications.

My work is held in many private collections throughout  New Zealand Japan, Europe and America .

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